So after weeks and weeks of Jason about ready to crawl out of his skin, we finally made it out to take Jack on his first camping trip. Jason has been waiting for this all summer long. We decided to meet up with Johnny (of course...we can't go outdoors without Springer! LOL) in southern Indiana at Shakamak State Park. Johnny lives near there and reserved us a couple of spots. Wally and Angie were going to go, but decided after taking Lilly last time that she's still too little. So Brady joined us instead. Jack loves being outside so this was a dream come true to him. And just like his dad...he was moving nonstop, checking things out and trying to build a huge fire.

Jack helped Jason get dinner ready.

A boy and his lantern is a must when camping. He loved this little thing. I'm so glad we brought it. He carried it around and kept squatting down to look at the light and show it to us. It was a big hit.

Of course Jack had to inspect the fire wood and make sure it was stacked properly and that we had enough on the fire.

He even found a nice stick to stir the fire. (No, we did not let him play in the fire although he tried with all his might.)

Jack and Daddy got to roast some marshmellows and make a Cookie S'more to enjoy before bedtime.

Jack did great in the tent. He went down super and slept all through the night. I think being outside wore him out. He truly is just like his dad...loves to be in "the great outdoors".