Miss Arden had a doctor's appointment that morning, so Stacy was up and out early and beat us all there. It was a beautiful day and she sat outside feeding Arden while watching Bowen play and waiting for the rest of us to arrive.
Arden Simone
Once Julie, Angie and I arrived, there was still a little time before the museum opened, so we let the kids play on the front steps. I think we could have just let them play there and went home!
Bennett Walter
Graham...I think he's got the steps down pretty well
Bowen hanging out...
Jack monkeying around

Sadly this is where I will confess that all my pictures inside turned out dark...so I'm not posting them. Julie did get a couple good pictures of the boys that I'll share, but I'm really sad mine didn't turn out.
So inside the museum are some really cool old toys. We're talking old metal pedal cars, train cars, old kitchen sets, dolls...toys from my grandparent's era. There are cases and cases lining the walls of the three story building. I love looking at old toys, so I really liked the place. The little ones were not so impressed. Jack looked at some old train cars and some old cars and heavy equipment sets while Graham banged his head on the glass cases.
So we quickly headed to the basement of the place where they had bumper cars and old coin operated ride ons. Think back to the little three pony carousal outside of K-Mart when we were growing up. The kids really did have a good time down here. Lincoln, Charlotte, Bowen, Jack, Stacy, Julie and I even got a turn on the bumper cars, which was a blast. I think I would like to go here with out the kids and look around a little more. I wish my grandpa and dad would go with me...I'm sure they'd find all kinds of treasures!
So we quickly headed to the basement of the place where they had bumper cars and old coin operated ride ons. Think back to the little three pony carousal outside of K-Mart when we were growing up. The kids really did have a good time down here. Lincoln, Charlotte, Bowen, Jack, Stacy, Julie and I even got a turn on the bumper cars, which was a blast. I think I would like to go here with out the kids and look around a little more. I wish my grandpa and dad would go with me...I'm sure they'd find all kinds of treasures!

Lincoln and Jack riding a jeep

Graham and Jack on a fire engine

Jack and I racing Bowen and Stacy on the bumper cars