This has been a busy winter for us with lots of traveling and meeting loved ones. In the fall GG got sick and Grandpa Ravenscroft visited quite often. The Koons cousins (Kevin and Karen's families) made it up to visit so Jack got to meet them for the first time. Karen was pretty funny! He enjoyed playing on the floor with her. We spent Thanksgiving at Mamaw and Papaw's house wtih all the Strole family. Right before Thanksgiving Jack and I traveled to Peoria, IL to meet up with our friends Stephanie and Sami. We spent the night with them and then drove to Savage, MN the next day to visit with our friends we met online. Krystal and Zoey, Shannon (who left Kaitlin at home), Mickey and Piper, and Bethanne and Wilton were all there. It was exciting to see everyone again. Jack loved being surrounded by all the girls...He LOVED to pull their hair!
Bumper friends!
For Christmas we celebrated early at Mamaw and Papaw's house with Granny and Grandpa II before traveling to Tulsa, OK to meet up with the entire Ravenscroft clan. Uncle Dan, Aunt Christa, Tyler, Emmi, Uncle Todd, Aunt Jen, Chloe, GG, Grandma and Grandpa were all there. We spent an entire week with the family and enjoyed every minute of it. Jack had a lot of fun playing with Emmi. They climbed on the step to the dining room, chased balls, hid under the high chair and got in baskets together. Chloe liked to serve us all tea with Grandma's tea set and Tyler liked to play with the train set that used to belong to Uncle Dan. Uncle Bob, Aunt Cathy, Lisa, Maya and Luke all drove down from St. Louis and spent some time with all of us as well. Tyler really loved Maya and thought she was hysterical. It was sad to see everyone leave. Jack really loved seeing all his cousins and getting to play with all of them. He started crawling on Christmas Day so he could keep up with them. He just wanted to do everything his cousins could do. He also started to pull up (well, he'd get on his knees and look over the coffee table), started crawling and ate my first bites of chicken while with my cousins. We can't wait until we can see them again. I wish we didn't live so far away from them. BUT!!! We are going to San Fran in June to meet up with Uncle Todd, Aunt Jen and Chloe!! Jason said hopefully Uncle Dan, Aunt Christa, Tyler and Emmi will be able to make it up for a visit as well...and maybe even Grandma and Grandpa, so that will be exciting!!

Emmi and Jack playing at Christmas in Tulsa
Ravenscroft Cousins
Upon returning home Jack and I traveled to northern Indiana and met up with Bethanne and Wilton who were on their way home from visiting Wilton's Moma. Jack had so much fun crawling around chasing Wilton. He's so much fun! Wilton showed Jack how to play on the play place at the mall and slide down the bridge. Wilton even caught Jack at the bottom of the slide! In January Jack really started moving around, crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything. He really likes to stand at the wall of toys we build around Bernie's cage and yell at the bird. Bernie doesn't like Jack too well yet, and even bit him once, but Jack still loves him and think he's the best thing ever.
I took my first trip east in February. Jason had a conference in Washington DC and Jack and I traveled with him. We stopped in Philly to visit my friend Megan and play with Remi. Remi and Jack liked getting into the forbidden bowl of things not for babies, helping unload the dishwasher and playing in a drawer of kitchen stuff. We walked around the city and enjoyed our time with Megan, Raavi and Remi. Then we headed to DC and spent the rest of the week there. We got to see the White House and a couple of other monuments and Jack enjoyed exploring the hotel room. I took Jack to a park one afternoon to play which was really fun. He is able to pull up on almost anything now as well as cruise around furniture. He likes to say uh oh when he drops things and rides on toys. Everything is so much fun right now and he just wants to see and do it all. Jack is even able to stand by himself for short bits of time, although he sort of gets nervous and prefers to crawl around. Jack also went to his friend Emma's first birthday party this past weekend. How fun! Lots of babies his age to pull on and play with!!
Jack and Remi...Jack loved him
Daddy and Jack at the White House
Jack at Rose Park