Hello world!
Well ladies and gentlemen, I just have to say that life is good with a baby. The last four months have been an absolute dream. Jack has added so much to our lives. We give him lots of hugs, kisses, cheek pinches and squeezes. His Mamaw and Papaw cannot stop taking pictures of him and his Grandma and Grandpa are full of love. Everything that a baby could want...he has. Let me see if I can recap some of the highlightes of the last four months...Uncle Todd, Auntie Jen and Cousin Chloe came out right after Jack was born. He was just a skinny little thing then, but Chloe reassured him that in time he too would gain some chubbers just like her. While Uncle, Auntie and Cousin were here, Grandma and Grandpa arrived as well. It was really nice spending a day in Bloominton with them all and eating at Nick's Bar and Pub. Yes, at three weeks Jack hit his first bar. I think he and Chloe made history as the youngest patrons ever. Also that week Jason and I took Auntie, Uncle and Chloe down to the canal where we all walked around. All in all for being three weeks Jack got around pretty well. It was great getting to see the San Francisco Clan especially since we will not get to see them until Christmas in Tulsa.
Uncle Todd and Cousin Chloe
The second month of life was fun filled. Jack went to his first pool party and his first birthday party. Although I didn't let him swim he had fun hanging out by the pool in his shades soaking up some rays. With such fair skin like his though, I didn't want him to stay out too long. I'm such a fuss budget... Everyone thinks Jack keeps getting cuter and cuter by the day, and he offered up his first smile at around 6 weeks.The first smile
At the end of July the three of us traveled to Grayling, Michigan for the Au Sable Canoe Race. It was great seeing Uncle Jason, Auntie LA and getting to meet Uncle Bob and Auntie Wendy. This was Jack's first trip out of Indiana and it was a beautiful trip. He did sleep most of the way, but that allowed him to stay awake for the party on Saturday!! He slept most of the way home as well...but that was just because he was wore out from partying. Watching people play Corn Hole and eat makes a little man very tired!In Michigan for the Au Sable Race with Tracy, Dean, LA and Jason
The third month of life proved to be just as busy. Jack got to attend another birthday party downtown at Jillians (it was Kelcee's birthday) as well as meet GG and Uncle Mac for lunch at the Kladaugh. Which brings his total to 3 bars now that he's been to. Not bad for a three month old!! He doesn't just hang out in bars though. He has been to GG's house in Anderson and love traveling there to visit with her. He's also ventured out to Plainfield and spent some time with Granny and Grandpa II. His greats on the May side of the family. It's always great being with the grandparents...they make such a fuss!! Jack and I also traveled to Madison, WI at the end of August to meet with friends met online. It was great hanging out with other babies Jack's age. This marked his second trip out of Indiana! WOO HOOO...he's turning into a world traveler!Day to day life is going great as well. Jason and I love reading stories, playing games and singing. Jason says the best thing about being a daddy is kissing Jack's chubbers (yes, Chloe was right, he did grow some of his own!) and seeing Jack's little face. I am just too in love with this little baby for words and do not ever want to leave his side. The three of us have a lot of fun together blowing raspberries, acting silly and spending time together. Jason and I are so amazed at all the things Jack learns each day. He is proving to us what a strong man he is. He loves to stand on his legs and face out to look around at everyone and everything. There is so much to see and learn. He is not rolling over yet, but is so close and lays on his side while trying to get from back to tummy. We are seeing the benefits of tummy time and with each session he gets better and better at holding his head up to look around and reach for toys.
Jack with his Granpa II
Getting some tummy time
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