We hosted Jack's 2nd' birthday party this weekend! Where has the time gone? One day I was holding this sweet little baby in my arms and now he's a full fledged "big boy" and soon to be big brother! The time just flies by so fast. I know that's pretty cliche but it is so true. And as I try to reflect back...it's hard to even remember some of the important milestones in his life. Things I thought I'd never forget, I now have to go back in his baby book to remember. Parents...just be sure to write it all down, because it does go by in the blink of an eye and it happens so fast when you're in the middle of it that you can barely keep things straight.
I'm not sure if we're cursed or what, but on the day of Jack's first birthday party the weather was chilly and today...it was pretty darn cold too. We have all this nice weather in April and then the day of the party it's all windy and damp. But...we always manage to have a good time regardless of the stinking weather. Jack loves having all his little friends over to play and run around with and that's what it's all about right...Jack.

Peyton brought his bubble blower over and the kids loved it!

Charlotte pulling Peyton in the wagon.

Since Jack is so in love with Thomas the Tank Engine right now, we decided to go with a train theme. I ordered train whistles and engineer hats for everyone as party favors. The whistles were a little hard to blow for the younger ones and no one wore the hats...but oh well.

Bowen falling down into the grass after trying to tackle Lincoln.

Little Max (who is not so little anymore and a big brother himself) checking out the bubble blower

Lori and CJ. YAY! CJ has on his hat!

My mom and I saw some super train cakes online while we were looking for ideas for Jack's train. At first I didn't think we'd be able to do it because it looked pretty hard. But my mom did some brain storming and found an easy way for us to make this totally awesome train cake for Jack's party. It only took us like 4 hours to make! But so worth it! Each kid got their own little car to eat as their cake. Adults got cup cakes...or happy cakes as Jack likes to call them. Making the cake with my mom was a lot of fun. I'm not sure when she turned into Betty Crocker, but Mom's got some skills at cake decorating. I pretty much just made the track.

Jack got the engine which we made to look like Thomas. Now...I know...Thomas is the number 1 engine and Jack's cake has a number two on it. And I know that Edward is the number 2 engine. But we decided that since this was Jack's second birthday the cake should have a 2 on it. And we really did model the cake off Thomas. You can see it's clearly a tank engine...see the coal there at the back of the cab?! If it were truly Edward, it would have a tender behind the cab. Think I've been learning a little too much about trains and Thomas?!

Ashley got Jack the biggest Thomas balloon you could ever imagine! It was nearly as big as him. He totally loved it!

These are all of Jack's grandparents minus G.G. who was back in Tulsa. It was nice to have John and Karen here this year with us. Hopefully they will be at a lot more birthdays since buying the lake cottage.

Mamaw, Papaw, Granny, Grandpa II, Grandpa and Grandma

Jack got some gardening tools from his Grandma and Grandpa, so now he'll be able to help his Daddy in the garden.

Of course he got train accessories galore! James and a double crossing and a little cargo crane were just some of the items Jas...I mean Jack will soon be playing with on his new train table.

Jack's two best friends chipped in and got him a super awesome train ride on a real train! They also got him a cute little book about a "little train" that actually has a little train that chugs around on the book.

Aunt Ashley got Jack a really cool water/sand table that has a few train tracks and three small cups that hook together as a train that goes around the track. Can't wait to get him outside to play on that one! We are so thankful for all the wonderful people in Jack's life that come out and celebrate with us every year! Thank you everyone! And Happy Birthday Jack!
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