Now...I don't know if he actually knows what he's talking about or not but guess how many books I ended up reading at nap time today?
Monday, February 28, 2011
3 + 2 = 5
Today while preparing for nap, I told Jack to go choose his normal 3 books. He looked through several different piles and shelves of books before climbing into my bed with the ones he wanted. I went in to read to him and saw that he only had two books on the bed. I asked him about only having two and asked if he wanted me to go grab the other book I saw him in the living room with earlier. He nodded so I grabbed "Mr. Seahorse" by Eric Carle. Upon returning to the bedroom Jack immediately looked at me and said, "There were two Thomas books in there too." When I explained to him that yes I know there were, but we're only going to read three books he said, "No Mom, those two make 5."
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Hours

"The Hours" by Michael Cunningham is the first novel I've chosen to read for my Pulitzer list. I chose this book for several reasons. First, I seem to be reading books written from multiple narrators and this one is from the perspective of three different women in three different time periods. So this book seemed to fit my current "taste" in literature. Second, it has been made into a movie and I'm all about reading books and watching the movies. Not that I've ever liked a movie better than a book...but it's fun to see how someone else chose to bring the story alive. And lastly because the entire book takes place in one day. I am intrigued to see how the author plays out the connections between the three ladies and this one day in their lives.
So what is this book all about? Well the back cover states:
The Hours is the story of three women: Clarissa Vaughan, who one New York morning goes about planning a party in honor of a beloved friend; Laura Brown, who in a 1950's Los Angeles suburb slowly begins to feel the constraints of a perfect family and home; and Virginia Woolf, recuperating with her husband in a London suburb, and beginning to write "Mrs. Dalloway". By the end of the novel, the stories have intertwined, and finally come together in an act of subtle and haunting grace.
And what did I think of this book?
Well...throughout the book I am a tad disappointed. While all the stories are beautifully intertwined with one another, overlapping in the most detailed of ways I felt that the book was a little like a Seinfeld episode...totally about nothing at all. Now there will be people who argue that the theme of the book is about women taking control of their lives despite the daily struggles that life brings...or something along those lines...but I felt like I kept waiting for the climax only to be let down.
The ending was the novel's saving grace. I did enjoy seeing how Cunningham brought all three stories together. Although in hindsight, if I were truly paying attention during the book, I probably should have guessed how the story would end. I guess I need to get used to reading into a story, not just hitching a ride along with the characters. I think I've been reading too much Twilight and Harry Potter...maybe I can't keep up with a book that is written with deeper themes and messages. Well we'll see what this Pulitzer journey brings...maybe I will find my "reading" self again.
Has anyone read this book or has anyone seen the movie? What were your thoughts? I'm going to Netflix the movie next and watch it.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Bedtime Games
In the last few months Jack has become an expert at stalling for bedtime. He goes through popular tried and true favorites many of us might have used once or twice in our day but he is also getting good at coming up with his own. The following were tonights attempts at avoiding bedtime. He's a pro...these lines were delivered over a two hour time period.
- Mom, something is keeping me awake, it's a frog, or an owl, or YOU!
- Mom...I hit my head on the bed
- Mom, I need to go potty
- I NEED a drink
- Nap time IS over
- Mom something is scratching my head and I don't know what it is
- There's something scary at the top of my's the towel
- Turn.down.the.TV. It's too loud
- I can't sleep with Graham breathing over there
22. Read 10 books on the Pulitzer list
One of my goals for the bucket list is to read 10 books off the Pulitzer List. I scoured the list and found ten that looked interesting to me. I've actually read three of the books and one of those did not actually win the Pulitzer that year for it's category, but was a finalist. Since I enjoyed the story last time I decided to go ahead and reread. I'm going to go ahead and post the list here but then post a synopsis or plot summary of the books in separate posts. I will edit those posts to let you know how I felt about the book once I've finished them. are my list of books to read for the year and why I chose that book...drum roll please...
In no particular order:
- A Thousand Acres Jane Smiley 1992 Fiction
- The Stone Diaries Carol Shields 1995 Fiction
- The Hours Michael Cunningham 1999 Fiction
- The Road Cormac McCarthy 2007 Fiction
- To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee* 1961 Fiction
- The Diary of Anne Frank Albert Hackett* 1956 Drama
- Into Thin Air John Krakauer* ** 1998 General NonFiction
- Breathing Lessons Anne Tyler 1989 Fiction
- The Color Purple Alice Walker 1983 Fiction
- Beloved Toni Morrison 1988 Fiction
* I've read before
** A finalist but not winner
Monday, February 21, 2011
Wetting Ring
Jack: (pointing to my finger) Momma, what's that?
Me: My wedding ring.
Jack: Does it keep you from getting wet?
Me: (smiling) No, it tells everyone how much I love Daddy.
Jack: I love Daddy too.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
4. See a play at the Indianapolis Reparatory Theatre
Check another one off the bucket list. Jason and I caught "The Diary of Anne Frank" at IRT as a late Valentine's Day date. Despite the heavy subject it was an excellent performance. I enjoyed it so much that I decided I'm going to reread the novel as part of my 10 Pulitzer books I'm going to read this year.
Friday, February 18, 2011
18. Walk the Canal downtown
Since tutoring is over and Jason does not need to watch the kids, he gets his half day Fridays at work back. Today we decided to take advantage of the sunshine and warmer temps and walk the canal downtown, number eighteen on the bucket list. The canal runs 8 miles through downtown and into White River State Park. It's a great place to run, roller blade, bike or walk. In the summer you can rent paddle boats and fountains run over embankments. It passes by the Eiteljorg Museum, The Indiana State Museum, The NCCAA Hall of Champions, and has access to The Indianapolis Zoo.

Graham Vader
A little history of Central Canal
Outside The Indiana State Museum
we waited for the steam whistles to chime on the
clock then realized they were turned off
Beautiful downtown Indianapolis...looking east from
The Indiana State Museum
Looking west toward the zoo
Graham getting in a little shadow play
My boys outside The NCAA Hall of Champions
Jack and I trying to make a heart
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I lied
So...I lied. I lied when I said:
I'd never sleep with a baby in my bed
I couldn't have a baby with hair

I would never have a thumb sucker
My kid wouldn't (soon) be three and still taking a pacifier
Monday, February 14, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Laundry Counting
I have a weird obsession with numbers. I like to count things and compare relationships between numbers. For birthday is April 8th. I like the fact that 8 is double 4. Jack's birthday is May 6th. I like that his birthday is in sequence...5, 6. I find myself doing this all the time. Today while folding a load of laundry this is what I counted:
8 sets of pajamas per boy
4 pairs of socks per boy
19 pairs of underwear for Jack.
I'll let you figure out the math on this one...
Monday, February 7, 2011
When Daddy stays home
you never know what you'll come home to find. At my house it would be a naked boy in a tent with his sucker and a sleeping bag full of trains.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Dora and Diego
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis opened a new exhibit to members today...Dora and Deigo! Stacy was out of school so we decided to take the boys there for a little preschool fun.

For a members only day there were still quite a few people there. Guess Dora and Diego are pretty popular. I will admit that we've only seen one or two episodes here, but that didn't stop Jack and Graham from having a good time.
Jack (among many others) enjoying the "acorn" tree
A little light wall climbing
Dr. Ravenscroft
Graham had a good time too
Especially with his big brother
Such a big boy!
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