By now everyone should know that Jack is a full fledged train addict. He eats, sleeps, breathes trains. And I will admit, I enable him. I sometimes even partake in a little train myself. Here is the outcome of my latest train binge.

Looking at "The Island of Sodor" from Herold's eyes
Jack could spend hours playing at this table. Making trains come off the tracks, sending in others to rescue them, replaying scenes from Thomas episodes, rolling over high, high bridges, setting up long lines of engines and just staring off into the buildings and down the tracks. It always amazes me how long he actually spends looking down at the train and the tracks at eye level. One day I actually got down and looked for myself. I finally understood two things when I did that: what it meant to look through the eyes of your child and how magical this little world of Thomas really looks to him.'s my attempt to share with you a little piece of our magical world of Thomas. Through Jack's eyes.

First we stop at the Sodor Steamworks

Notice the "joby logs" to the left...
Travel through the Signal House and around to

The Sodor Engine Wash. There goes Lady now into The Wash.
The High High bridge is to the left and the stone bridge to the right.

Cranky then stands high above the cargo crane.
The track comes around Cranky and switches into the tunnel

Jack sits and looks into this tunnel for long periods of time
One of his favorite things to do is send Percy through with the light up light
The track winds around and goes under the stone bridge

Turning into the tunnel will take you under the stone bridge
Going straight from Cranky will wind around over the bridge
of the Sodor Steamworks
So there you have it. My awesome track that I made! I mean...the track that I made for my wonderful little boy who helps me see the wonder and magic the world still has to offer. And maybe a little to show off my awesome track!
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