This coming weekend we are hosting our first kids Halloween party. Tons of family and friends are coming over to partake in some tricks and treats including a hay ride, bonfire and pinata. But from all our summer fun, the house has been a little neglected. I mean who really wants to weed flower beds when you could be going to the zoo or hiking in Brown County or swimming in Wisconsin or watching a canoe race in Michigan?
So on Sunday Jason headed outside to tackle our beast of a yard with his trusty helper...Jack. The boys worked diligently outside all morning...Jason raking leaves and burning them in the fire pit and Jack mowing the lawn with his little mower or pushing his train around his water table. Close to noon I brought Graham outside to see what I could do to help...because I really didn't feel like cleaning (although that's going to have to be done at some point too...BOO!). Jason handed me the leaf sucker and I was in charge of sucking leaves out of the flower beds.
For the rest of the morning and into the early afternoon we worked on de-leafing the yard. But of course...whenever there's a big pile of leaves one must take advantage of the opportunity to jump in them. I mean this time only comes around once a year right?! So Jack burried Jason in the leaves and the two of them jumped in them and scattered them only to rake them back up and jump in them again. So much fun watching Jack and Jason enjoy the simple pleasures in life! I can't wait until next year when Graham will be out there wrestling along with them!

I love this picture!
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