YES! The Halloween Party is BACK BABY!!! What an awesome weekend we had! I know in a previous post (and if I were really cool, I'd know how to link posts and mark lines through text and all that really cool blogger stuff) I mentioned my family having tons of little kids growing up and putting on big Easter E
gg hunts, totally awesome Halloween parties and great Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts. Why then you ask, do we not do this any more? There are no little kids in our family! No little cousins for Jack and Graham to grow up with, no little cousins or big cousins to fight and get in trouble with. Well...this weekend marked the return of the Halloween Party! Saturday night (which was a perfect fall evening and full moon!) we hosted a super fun party for adults and kids. 45 people showed up! And of those 45 people 13 were under the age of five! Talk about amazing! The kids dressed up in costumes, went on a hay ride (thanks to Angie!) and busted piñatas! We tried to roast s'mores but no one was interested in them once they had a bag of candy in their hands! It was truly a night of friendship, family and fun. All the kids got along fantastically running and chasing one another and enjoying just being a kid. It was all that I remembered from being a kid.

Graham dressed as "Rex" from Toy Story 3

Jack dressed as a train Engineer. Sierra gave him Bash right before the party and one could not separate train and Engineer the entire night.

"The Boys"
Max, Bowen, Jack, Lincoln
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