Thursday, March 17, 2011

77. Attend the St. Patrick's Day Parade

What a fun and exciting day we had today! I have lived in the Indianapolis area my entire life and can't believe all the things I have never taken advantage of in and around the city. Well my bucket list is my attempt to remedy that situation and today we took crossed the St. Patrick's Day Parade off the list!

It was such a perfect day...sunny and warm. We got downtown and found the perfect place to a meter just a couple blocks from the parade route. It's like we were meant to go today. There were already quite a few people lining the streets as we walked along looking for a good place to sit. We wanted to be near the beginning of the route (everyone ALWAYS runs out of candy by the end...that's a parade fact) but still on the east side so we could leave a little before the end to avoid traffic. We walked south on Pennsylvania until we crossed Vermont and found a little spot between an older couple and a trash can. We fit, so we sat. Only a half hour until the parade started, now what?!

A picnic perhaps?! I did bring a picnic lunch to enjoy while we were waiting for the parade to begin which would have been great except for two things:
  1. When I said "we fit", we just fit, there was not much room
  2. As soon as we sat I realized Graham had pooped and I'd left the diapers in the car
Luckily I was able to obtain a fresh diaper and change Graham while Jack munched on the lunch that was brought. Although I forgot a blanket for us to picnic upon, we were able to finish up our lunch and have everything packed away by time the parade started. It was hectic but it made the time pass by quickly and gave the kids a decent lunch.

Graham eating a carrot for lunch

Momma and Jack enjoying the parade

Our little squeeze in spot ended up being a pretty good location. We got lots of candy and beads from the people in the parade. I saw my very first soft ball coach, an old high school friend and Carol from Mother's Connection. We also saw our neighbor representing The Knights of Columbus by carrying the American flag with several other men from our local K of C. Jack enjoyed getting all the candy and seeing the fire trucks. Graham just enjoyed watching the people and clapping his hands at everyone. It was such a nice day and since we'd already eaten lunch we decided to stop by Broad Ripple Park on the way home. It really was a perfect day. I'm so glad we decided to go.

Ollie, our neighbor, carrying the US Flag

Looking north from our seats...the parade is marching south towards us

Jack: Momma, what's that?
Me: It's a trolley car
Jack: A trolley car? It's like a train car on wheels!

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