Thursday, March 3, 2011

49. Save money for an eReader

Well...I may have cheated to complete this bucket list item. I was supposed to save my money to purchase an eReader, specifically a Nook, but my friend notified me of a good deal on a refurbished one from Ben's Outlet. It was one third off and I was $30 short of being able to purchase it. I talked to Jason about what to do...should I:
  1. Go ahead and charge the Nook for the discounted price and owe the credit card the difference...but save money in the process
  2. Wait, let the deal pass and keep saving money to purchase it later at the full price

I ended up going with option 1. So technically I didn't save up my money and buy my new toy...I charged it...but at a discounted price! *Sigh* However...the whole point of this bucketlist item was to provide me with the experience of saving BEFORE buying instead of giving in to instant gratification and just charging it. I failed at this one. It is a harder task than it sounds. Can you think of the last mid to large ticket item you've bought outright with money you've saved up for the sole purpose of this purchase? Did you charge your last big toy?

Oh least I'll be able to download the books I'm reading from the Pulitzer list onto my new Nook!

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