Thursday, June 24, 2010

Trader's Point Creamery

In keeping with the Great Summer of 2010...Julie, Stacy and I took the kids to Trader's Point Creamery. None of us had been there before so we thought it would be fun to take the kids and expose them to a little country life. We met at the creamery with picnic lunches and ate outside before hitting the grounds to check out the animals, barns and pastures.
The kids really enjoyed looking at the cows and pigs and ducks. They even got a little lesson in life from the cow who had just given birth. Unfortunately, it wasn't exactly the most "beautiful" thing we we missed the actual birth of the calf. Instead we got a great view of the mother cow delivering and eating the placenta. Mmmm. Of course we encouraged Julie that she should consider taking after the cow and doing the same with hers with this baby due in October. Maybe she should look into encapsulating it! SIKE!

The kids really did enjoy themselves and us moms did get a pretty good laugh at the cow. The kids loved chasing the chickens around the barn and their coop. Charlotte tried to help a stray egg under the coop, but the momma chickens didn't take too kindly to that and Charlotte got chased herself!

It was super hot out, but other than that we had a really nice time. The kids enjoyed seeing the animals and chasing each other around in a big empty barn. Jack pushed Graham around in his stroller and ran him into some even the little almost 4 week old got in on the action. I love these girls and our kids.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Today was the big day we've been waiting for all was the day Jack got to meet Thomas the Tank Engine! We drove two hours to Connersville, IN to meet the Number One Blue Engine himself. My parents, Ashley and Kelcee met us there so we had quite the troop. I was afraid it was going to be super crowded and that we wouldn't be able to enjoy all the day's activities, but the time we picked to go on the train was perfect. We go there at 9:00 am and were able to walk around and take in the sights before riding the 11:15 train. We got to play at train tables, get tatoos of Thomas and James and listen to story tellers. We saw "Bertie the Bus" and met Sir Topham Hatt. We shopped for new trains. Once on the train we got to see where Sir Topham Hatt lived...which Kelcee really thought was his that gave us a good laugh! After riding the train we found a nice shady spot and had a picnic lunch before heading home. Other than the heat, it really was a great day.

Jack and Jason checking out "Bertie the Bus"

A little steamie

It's THOMAS!!!

Hello Sir Tomham Hatt!

Daddy and Jack riding on Thomas' coaches...but not Annie or Clarabelle

Riding on a real hand cart

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lazy Lake Days

Jason and I took the boys up to the lake cottage this weekend to visit with his parents and celebrate Father's Day with his dad. This has been the first Father's Day Jason has actually got to spend with his dad in a long time. It was nice to just enjoy some good weather and lazy days at the lake.

Picture of John and Karen's lake cottage from the boat

View of the lake from the boat

Practicing safe boating...both kids in their life vests
Don't let Graham fool you, he actually hates his!

Sweet brothers

"Kayak Jack"

At 3 weeks, Graham already knows how to enjoy the lake, catching some zzz's while swinging in the cool shade

We were able to catch the Silver Days Festival in the little town of Silver Lake. This was the first time Jack has ever been on carnival rides. It was soo hot, so we didn't stay long and he only rode a few, but I think he totally had a great time. He's such a funny kid. You can see him process every new experience and mentally judge it. When he first started riding, he kept such a serious face, but after a couple laps on one, he was smiling ear to ear.

Jason had to ride this one with him. Jason said it was so hot inside he thought he was going to pass out. He was also having trouble turning the wheel that spins the bear. Jack ever the helper told Jason, "Use your muscles Daddy!"

The four wheeler was his favorite ride. He had some big smiles after going around a few times. He really didn't want to get off of it and we ended up going back and riding it one more time. The kid is all boy...loves anything with wheels or that is car/train related. But that's great! I'll take trains and trucks over pink and frilly any day!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

PBS in the Park

Today we took Jack and Graham out to Military Park for "Let's Meet PBS Kids in the Park". Julie met us there with Charlotte and Lincoln. It was super hot and muggy after raining in the morning so we were hoping some people would be deterred, but no such luck. There were lots of games for the kids to play, booths set up to do coloring activities and a few PBS characters for the kids to meet. Jack is a huge Super Why fan and he (okay...I) was looking forward to meeting him. We stood in a SUPER long line and got up to the very front and they told us that Super Why had to leave! WHAT?! They weren't going to let Jack meet him?! I talked to the super nice man to the left in the picture and convinced him to quickly let Jack sit on Super Why's lap. Jack (okay, okay...I) was very happy, but we felt a little bad for the long line of kids behind us that did not get to meet him.

I went to nurse Graham in the shade while Jason and Jack went to a concert put on by Mr. Steve. That's the one and only in the top right of this picture! Can you tell by the red shirt? Jack was pretty mesmerized and stood watching him in rapture most of the time. That is until the little girl in the white shirt and pink shorts took his hand and started dancing with him...then he just looked pretty confused.

Then of course Elmo was there. But after the Super Why incident, no way were we going to stand in another long line just to be turned away at the end. So we just by passed him and mom snuck over to take his picture. He's a lot taller in person.

Martha the talking dog was there too...but for some reason, no one was in line to meet her. (Hmmm...could it be because it's one of the DUMBEST shows on PBS?) So Jack gladly stepped up to give her a hug and get his picture taken.

It was super hot and I was a little worried about Graham being out in the heat so we left a little earlier than we would have liked, but all in all today was a pretty fun day. I think this might be something we do each year. I just love this age with Jack and doing fun new things. I can't wait until he and Graham can enjoy things like this together.

Big Guy

Happy Two Weeks Graham!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bowling with Toddlers

So I mentioned earlier that we signed up for free bowling for Jack this summer. His two best friends, Lincoln and Bowen, also signed up at so we decided to take the boys (and Miss Charlotte too of course) bowling today. Bowling with three toddlers is a very I think that we made it through one entire game and that was pushing it. But the kids were able to keep busy and had a good time.

The boys made sure the table was sturdy

And that no one mistakenly threw their ball in the trash

Of course when you're not bowling, you should patiently wait your turn on the couch

Then quickly make your approach

And get right back to the couch

Today Jason and I were also getting new windows installed, so I had to leave the house with both boys very early in the morning. This was my first outing with the boys sans Jason. What a feat to get showered, dressed and both boys out of the house and at breakfast by 8:00 am! I think we did fairly well though and met Stacy and Bowen at Bob Evans before bowling. Even though the bowling alley was right next door to where we ate breakfast, the boys and I were 30 minutes late. Jack and I were able to have a great conversation about cars going in and out of a gas station though while I nursed Graham. Ahhh...just the beginning of lots of new experiences.

Good Morning

Every morning the first thing Jack does is run into our room to tell Graham good morning.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jack, Mack and Graham

Jack is just totally in love with Graham. I know it's only been 12 days, but Jack is constantly by his side, petting him, patting him, rubbing his eye lashes and offering him his toys. I am looking forward to the day when Graham can appreciate Jack's generosity. Today Jack introduced Graham to Mack from Cars. Jack sat near the couch for a long time talking to Graham, telling him all about Mack and patting him on the head telling him it was okay, he could play with Mack. How long do you think moments like this will last?!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Graham meets the Greats

Jason and I took the boys to my grandparents house today so they could meet Graham and see Jack.

Graham seems to be enjoying Granny's lap

Jack and Grandpa II playing cars


I think everyone enjoyed the visit. Jack got to play with some cars that belonged to his Papaw and Graham got lots of lap time. What more could two boys want?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Brotherly Love

Jack is very much in love with his little brother.

And I'm very much in love with him.