Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Jack!

Today is Jack's first birthday! I can't believe that it was one year ago today that we were in the hospital laboring all day and into the night thinking it would never end! But it did and out came the sweetest most adorable little boy in the whole world. This year has been a whirlwind of wonder, worry, excitement, fear, laughter and delight. It's truely amazing how fast babies grow and change.
To celebrate his birthday, Jack invited his Mamaw, Papaw and Aunt Ashley over for cupcakes and of course PRESENTS!! The boy didn't waste any time on the presents!!

All the excitement tuckered him out! Poor baby! I look at him and think about he really was a baby and fit his whole body on that pillow when he was first born. I think about how that blanket could swaddle him, how he hated sleeping on his tummy, and how many other changes have occured so quickly in this year. It makes me happy and sad at the same time. Happy he's growing and is strong, but sad that he's not going to be a sweet baby forever. I know he has to grow and get big, but this time is so short and I can't believe how fast he's becoming a big boy!

1 comment:

  1. Finally some updates! I was starting to think you were holding out on me! I love the garden pic btw
