Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Haircuts: Milestone or Abuse?

Jack got his first haircut this weekend. We wanted to have it cut before we took him in for his one year pictures. He doesn't have A LOT of hair, but the front hangs down in his face. Up to know we've been getting by with combing the top over to the side, but he reminds me of Donald Trump with the comb over, so I decided that even though he ONLY has hair on TOP of his head, we're getting it cut.

Now, I don't know about you, but for me this was an exciting milestone we were hitting! I was all ready to take home my little scrap of hair to put in the baby book and was all set with the camera to catch the excitment on his face. We even went to a special kids place to get his hair cut, complete with chairs shaped like cars and TV's to watch.

Everything started out really well. Jack played on the slide in the lobby while we were waiting. There were two other little boys getting their hair cut too.When the other little boys were done, Jason took Jack over to a race car to sit in. He looked around in awe at the hair combs, scissors and blow dryers. He looked a little confused, espeically after the lady put the bib around him to catch all of his hair.

He sat all by himself while the lady started cutting his hair. Jason and I were so excited as our little guy sat all alone being such a big boy getting his hair cut for the first time.
At about the second or third snip, all hell broke loose. Jack started twisting and turning trying to get out of the chair and away from the lady. She asked me to hold him down so she could continue and what insued looks like nothing short of child abuse! I had to hold the kid's face, hold his arms and try to pin his body down so she could finish the cut! There was no way we were going to go get pictures taken with half a hair cut, so it had to be finished.

After our wrestling match, Jack's hair turned out pretty well. We did end up with a small piece of hair to put in his book and he will look super handsome for his one year pictures...But man! What an ordeal just for a bang trim! So I ask you this...is getting the first haircut a milestone or abuse?! I'm going with abuse, but parental abuse! It took a lot of physical effort to hold the little sucker still! Next time he can go alone with his daddy and mommy will stay home and do something more relaxing...like have a margarita!

The "after" photos. Jack sitting in the car and showing off his new do!

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