Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I loved holidays growing up. My mom made them so much fun for my sister and I. I remember going to my Aunt Patty's house to color eggs with my cousins and then bringing the eggs home and leaving them out for the Easter Bunny to hide. I hope that my boys have just as great memories and I do...although I really don't think anyone can top the magic my mom created around holiday. But I will try!

This year I broke out of the traditional Paas coloring kit and went with something called a spill proof kit. Seemed like a good idea with two little boys, one not even being one yet. So we started coloring eggs with our "spill proof" cups...more about those in a minute.

Jack and Graham all excited to color eggs

While Jack put eggs in the dishes for Daddy...

...Graham ate a place mat. Glad he's able to entertain himself.

This year was especially exciting for the boys. The Easter Bunny mailed them a letter with Magic Seeds inside.

So of course we rushed right outside and planted them in a pot. We decided the pot would be a better idea than the yard since it's been raining for like 40 days here. We didn't want these magic seeds to be washed away.
Jack planting the seeds

Every good gardener knows you have to water your seeds...

Okay...back to those "no spill" egg coloring kits. Um...yeah. If you see these in the stores...DO. NOT. BUY. THEM! They are not spill proof. You cannot tip them over and you cannot get the eggs out without staining your hands, your table, your clothes, your me on this one.

So, after cleaning up a little mess and running to the store and buying some more egg dye, we got down to business. This time even Graham put down the place mat and enjoyed some egg action.
This is what the boys left for the Bunny. Jack wrote him a nice little note...

And this is what the Bunny left for the boys! There are bites out of those carrots!
I didn't get a photo of what the magic seeds grew. But the boys were excited to see lollipops sprouted up in the pot. I hope next year it isn't raining so we can see how the seeds work out in the yard!

After finishing up Easter festivities it was time to head over to Aunt Patty's house for dinner with my mom's large extended family. My boys were pretty much the only little ones there, but never fear...they enjoyed hunting eggs there with the help of Patty's granddaughters.
Hunting for eggs

Uncle Robert's hidden egg...

Jack's face when he saw Robert's egg

Getting the egg

Sierra helping Graham find some eggs

Sierra spoiling Graham

After Aunt Patty's house we went to my mom's house where the Easter Bunny had shockingly visited. There instead of hiding eggs for the boys he hid baskets for me and Jason. The boys had baskets out in the open thankfully because I'm not sure we could top three egg hunts in one day next year!

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