Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Real Train Trestle

By now I hope that everyone realizes that we have a bonafide train fanatic on our hands. And I am guilty of feeding into it. What good mother wouldn't indulge her tiny love with what he loves? So anytime we can, we point out real trains, train tracks, train bridges and the like. Today one of Jack's besties had her birthday at a park with tracks running along next to it. This is the park I grew up with and I knew there was an old train trestle leading over the creek that runs through the park. So along with Jack and his two best buds, Lincoln and Bowen, we ventured out to experience the trestle for ourselves.

Walking out to the trestle

The view from the trestle

Jack was pretty excited to be walking along the tracks and was pumped to know that we were going to see a real train trestle...until we got out there! Unfortunately we have no pictures of him out over the water because as soon as he could see through the ties to the water below (and when his foot slipped through the ties) he sort of got freaked out. All the boys did really. So we had to turn around and go back. Since then we've built our own trestle on his train table so no harm no foul. He still loves everything trains...even the trestle.

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